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oleh ADMIN0, Jumat 7 Januari 2011 pukul 20:53:23 WIB
================================================================= TAWARAN TA KBK RPL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dosen Pengusul Dwi Sunaryono, S.Kom., M.Kom. Implementasi dari konsep SQL Stream untuk pembayaran on-line, dimana histori pelanggan melakukan pembayaran setiap bulan didapatkan histori. referensi bisa dibaca www.sqlstream.com[slash]Resources[slash]ConceptsInStreamingSQL.pdf Reducing business latency has become a key driver across many industries. Businesses need to respond faster than ever to customer information and demands, which are arriving in rapidly increasing volumes from ever more diverse and distributed systems. This need for real-time business models can not be addressed by traditional integration and business intelligence solutions because streaming analytics and related concepts are central to the solution. Indeed, streaming analytics is at the core of the next generation of IT systems. Konsep ini telah dikembangkan oleh www.sqlstream.com, pada TA ini, anda di harapkan membuat aplikasi yang mengimplementasi konsep sql stream tanpa harus bergantung kepada aplikasi yang telah dikembangkan oleh www.sqlstream.com. Konsep sql stream dapat di engineering dengan bahasa open source spt Java, JSF, Hibernate plus database MySQL.

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