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Structure from Motion: Rekonstruksi (Pembuatan Model 3D) Objek / "Scene" dengan Menggunakan Kumpulan Foto

oleh RIDHO RAHMAN, Sabtu 24 Agustus 2013 pukul 19:29:15 WIB
KBK : RPL Status : Belum Diambil



Judul / Topik : Structure from Motion: Rekonstruksi (Pembuatan Model 3D) Objek / "Scene" dengan Menggunakan Kumpulan Foto
- Tingkat kesulitan rendah.
- Teknologi lama.
- Sudah tersedia banyak tool, library, dan algoritma jadi.
- Untuk studi kasus Gedung Teknik Informatika / ITS, diperlukan banyak foto untuk menghasilkan rekonstruksi dengan kualitas baik & detail.

OpenSource solution

  1. [1] FIT3D (From Images to 3D) Matlab Toolbox by Isaac Esteban
  2. [2] Structure from Motion toolbox for Matlab by Vincent Rabaud
  3. [3] Matlab Functions for Multiple View Geometry by Andrew Zissermann
  4. [4] Structure and Motion Toolkit by Phil Torr
  5. [5] Bundler - Structure from Motion for Unordered Photo Collections by Noah Snavely
  6. [6] Libmv - A C++ Structure from Motion library
  7. [7] openMVG An Open Multiple View Geometry library + a SfM chain demonstrator
  8. [8] MicMac, a SFM open-source code released by the Institut Géographique National (FR)
  9. [9] Python Photogrammetry Toolbox GUI, an open-source SFM GUI (Easy SfM and dense point cloud estimation launcher) by Pierre Moulon and Arc-Team
  10. [10] Matlab Code for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion by Lorenzo Torresani
  11. [11] ceres-solver for general non-linear least squares. Has features for bundle adjustment. Previously used by Google internally for google maps. Released to the public in 2012.


  1. [12] Automatic Camera Tracking System (ACTS) A structure-from-motion system for Microsoft Windows, by State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University.
  2. [13] VisualSFM - A Visual Structure from Motion System
  3. [14] SFMToolkit a complete photogrammetry solution based on open-source software.
  4. [15] Voodoo Camera Tracker A tool for the integration of virtual and real scenes, by Laboratorium für Informationstechnologie, University of Hannover
Bidang minat : RPL
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